Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This Just In....

Good morning gentle readers! The sun is shining today, January 8, 2009, the birthday of Zahara Jolie-Pitt, and I'm up with the 10 am.

My foot's still delicate, and I woke up to make a follow-up appointment with yet another doctor. I'm in for tomorrow at 10:45 am, so wish me luck, guys. Here's to hope, change, and not becoming an amputee in 2009!

I'm feeling optimistic, though--but that could be due to the youtube clip my homegirl just sent me a link to.

Now, I'm not a Gossip Girl fan, as it brings back too many memories of my days at en elite Manhattan private school and the damage done to me emotionally, but I do love musical comedy and when genres are done spot-on by an unlikely duo ('Flights of the Conchords,' anyone?)

Check out this Gossip Girl rap done by Southern Mothers featuring Matt Pearson (A John Legend-like character). My favorite line includes a shout-out to my alma mater--I think you can guess what it is. The images of the Upper East Side bring me back, but luckily, being on the other side of the world, I am able to truly distance myself.

Now, back to baby Zahara!


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Love it!

JJS III said...

YES. Thank you for reminding me to watch this.

"I bet you three Dorotas" is my new catchphrase, and let's ignore that I stole it from them.

Why aren't we making videos like this? (Aside from the fact that we're not two white boys)