Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Pains Over The Hunger Games

Guys, it’s begun. Midnight last night, The Hunger Games premiered and my world was officially made whole. I am soooooo psyched, I don’t even know where to begin. I haven’t been this excited for a movie since Harry Potter IV! Jennifer Lawrence was the right choice for the lead. I mean, after Winter’s Bone— which was basically The Hunger Games set in meth country—we know that she can traverse a treacherous landscape for the good of her family.

And I only just found out that Stanley Tucci is in it!!!! Have I never mentioned my mild obsession with him? The man is perfect wherever he appears. I am so drawn to the Tucci, I want to touch his tushy!
Yes, I'm so excited that all these puns are swirling in my head:

Katniss is my catnip!

Shot through the heart / And you're to blame / You messed with Katniss / during The Hunger Games!!!!

This might be Lenny Kravitz' best move since making daughter Zoe.

My only hope is that the movie is 10 hours long and re-creates every single page of the book.

1 comment:

Betsey said...

"That is MAHOGANY."