Thursday, September 22, 2011

Riding the Elevator in a Post-Racial America

Conversation on an Elevator
The time is 4 minutes ago. I'm on the elevator heading back up to my office after grabbing some organic fruits at Trader Joe's. It's me and a white-bearded Caucasian fellow who works on the 4th floor.

Me [on the phone with a friend]: All right, girl, I gotta get back up to the plantation. I'll see you Saturday. Bye! [I hang up.]
Man [smiling to himself, looking straight ahead. then, in a sing-song voice]: Pickin' some cotton, pickin some cotton'.
Me: Mmm-hmmm. Always toiling.
The elevator opens on 4.
Man: Have a good day.
He exits.

I have to find out what happens on the 4th floor.

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